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fish emergency

jikin junkie
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fish emergency Empty fish emergency

Post  jikin junkie Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:12 pm

Okay so I looked in the 125 gallon community tank and found two angelfish guarding a large, and I do mean large, clutch of fry who are all stuck to a leaf with their tails beating. What do I do!? The angelfish have fended off a giant cichlid 20 times their size and all huge silver dollars. Should I take the leaf out? I don't have a tank ready. I'm certain they won't make it past tonight. Also does anyone have brine shrimp hatched out? Mark, David, I'll give them to you if you think you can save them? The parents are the pariaba blue pearlscale I won at a meeting, I think David had brought them.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty short term

Post  pops48 Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:05 pm

Just some thoughts: Any kind of tank divider would help. If you don't have any appropriate glass or plexiglass, try wire hangers bent to size and shape with a clean, uncolored linen pillow case around the frame for tonight. The wire will probably rust quickly so a more permanent solution would be necessary as soon as possible. (Tomorrow for sure) Depending on how badly you want to save them, you can get thin plexiglass at Menards possibly cut to size. For sure at ACE Hardware but more $$$. Very small vent holes can easily be drilled for circulation if you want to keep them there for a while. This would help the parents be less stressed and keep the bigger fish away until the fry are free-swimming. By then you can move them. Microworms also make good fry food. Good luck.


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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:33 pm

Call me at 287-7398

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fish emergency Empty Thanks

Post  jikin junkie Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:46 pm

Thanks pops! I made a crude divider out of egg crate that I had on hand. It was hard to cut it to size around driftwood. David is on his way to pick them up so that's good! cheers
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  twocat Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:40 pm

If you want to try your luck with this pair you should put them in a tank of their own now. Put some slate or pvc pipe in with them and they should lay again in about a week.



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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:02 pm

Babies are still doing ok. We'll see how far I can get them.

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  twocat Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:06 pm

These should be some nice fish, keep me in mind when you thin them out.



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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  danr Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:35 pm

Can we post some pictures of the parents?



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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:09 pm

Here is a picture of the babies.

fish emergency 41

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  jikin junkie Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:35 am

They are at it again, spawned after everyone left the meeting, and yes I have pictures to prove it Mark. David, would you like some more angels to raise up Laughing Actually if you need tank space, I'll take the ones you have now. This spawn was with the blue non pearlscale female and blue pearlscale male. So I'm assuming most will be just blue or pinoy blue as they seem to call it. I'd like to raise these or get them to dime size to the January auction if possible.
Or if anyone wants some, just pm me.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  jikin junkie Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:30 pm

I think those fry have grown overnight! So it looks like I have fry from two pinoy blue clown pearl scaled angels. It looks like about 50% pinoy clown pearl scale, 25% pinoy zebra pearl scale, and 25% paraiba pearl scale (also known as blusher gene).
That means the parents genetics were both Z/S,p/p, pb/pb.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:49 pm

The ones I kept are growing pretty fast as well. We'll see what I can do with them.


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fish emergency Empty 1

Post  plaidfish Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:20 pm

1fish emergency 000_2811

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  plaidfish Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:24 pm

That was a pic taken just before they ate all the eggs.

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:09 pm

They will go again in a couple of weeks.


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fish emergency Empty Cleaning a spot

Post  jikin junkie Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:53 pm

They are getting ready to spawn again, chasing everything and cleaning a leaf. Maybe tonight but if it's tomorrow I won't be home to pull the eggs. David, will you be around tomorrow for possible eggs? Or anyone else that wants a try hatching or rearing fry. I only ask for part of the spawn. Very Happy
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:29 pm

I wont be back in town until 8:30 or so possibly. You can call or text me at 287-7398 and let me know what you need me to do.

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fish emergency Empty Gone!

Post  jikin junkie Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:34 pm

Well they laid them late last night and the other fish ate them so fast that I had gone upstairs to eat dinner and by the time I came back down, the leaf they had cleaned off was shredded and the female was thin again. Rolling Eyes I guess I'm going to have to move them if I want more spawns, just don't have the tank space right now.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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fish emergency Empty Re: fish emergency

Post  DavidZ Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:56 am

If you want a spawn to keep you can give me the parents and let them spawn at my place.


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