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Aquabid sellers

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Aquabid sellers Empty Aquabid sellers

Post  jikin junkie Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:57 am

I've been a member of the Aquabid community for a long time now. In general, I've never had much trouble bidding/buying/selling on there. On a whole it has been a positive experience. Mostly I've dealt with other hobbyists. Only one time have I had a problem with dead fish on arrival from a seller (who is no longer on there). Most recently however, there are a lot of sellers who are not hobbyists but retail/wholesale operations that are listing. My most recent dealing with one has left me quite angry after discoverying their practice of false advertising, and bait and switch methods. I placed two bids on two seperate auctions from a seller named "Wetspot". It's a well known fish store based in Portland Oregon. I won my bids.
For three days I did not get a response, so I emailed them. I wanted to combine shipping etc and add fish to the order. Finally on the fourth day I get an email about the first auction, they no longer had the fish from the first auction. Crying or Very sad Turns out, they sold out. They never answered my original email. Two days after that, I get another email saying they no longer had the fish for the second auction I had won. That day they relisted the very same fish?
Their business seems poorly run if not just downright shady. Why sell fish out of your storefront AND also list them on an Auction website only to be sold right out from under the winning bidder? Bait and switch? False advertising? Bad business practices? Don't know, don't care. They will not get my business again. I left negative feedback. It was a waste of my time to be sure but luckily I had not sent them a dime. Buyer beware!
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

Posts : 463
Join date : 2012-01-01

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Aquabid sellers Empty Re: Aquabid sellers

Post  twocat Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:15 pm

You are lucky. I purchase about $200 worth of fish and what a mess. They wanted to give me credit but every time I ordered the fish they were gone, I finally placed a order and you know what happened--DOA Never again.



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Aquabid sellers Empty Re: Aquabid sellers

Post  Katnapper Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:44 pm


Mark, was your bad experience with the same seller (Wetspot) that Gina had problems? Or a different seller?

I've never had the necessity or urge yet to bid at Aquabid. But I'm wondering if should I take this as "buyer beware" in general on Aquabid, or regarding specific sellers?

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Join date : 2013-02-01
Age : 58
Location : Bloomington, IL

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